Sunday, July 31, 2011

Challenge Accepted!

Mulai esok I will try these as a challenge for myself.

#1 Bangun awal. Sebelum tengah hari. kehkehkeh susah benor nk bangun especially bila takde kerja.

#2 Avoid internet. Kurangkan lah.

#3 Start baking again

#4 Read all those un-read books. Hmm I might read my un-touch bday gift Islamic book. hehe

#5 Go to Masjid for terawikh

#6 Sembahyang di awal waktu

#7 Well...just do something that is beneficiary.

Hope it'll work. Super excited!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Sepadankah Aku Dengan Mu?

Haaa dah enjoy video di atas? Best kan lagu ni? Lagu ni pun ada kena mengena dgn tajuk post kali ni, iaitu ada kena mengena pasal Ramadhan. Lebih kurang 3 hari lagi kita umat Islam akan menunaikan salah satu Rukun Islam, Berpuasa di bulan Ramadhan.

Beberapa hari lepas, aku ada join cermah agama ni kt Kuching. Mula2 malas sangat, biasalah kta remaja benda camni berat bontot nak pegi. Tapi minggu ni serious tak productive gila so aku fikir, why not give it a shot? At first bila dah sampai sana, syaitan bukan main lagi bisik, nak naikkan ego aku taknak dgr, anggap smua ni tak best. Tapi penceramah tu mmg best, aku akui la. Sbb aku pay attention & hmpr buat hati keras cam aku ni berair mata. Nama penceramah ni, Dr. Robiah, nama panjang tak ingat tp dia slalu klua TV.

Pendek cerita aku nak kongsi sikit apa yg aku dpt dr ceramah ni. After all ceramah ni banyak buat aku gelak, dia byk buat lawak, at the same time touched our hearts, sbb tu best. Tajuk ceramah hari tu, "Ramadhan: Sepadankah Aku Dengan Mu?"

People will wonder, what does it mean? Lets go down the road okay. Berpuasa di bulan Ramadhan adalah rukun Islam ketiga, tetapi persoalannya, adakah rukun yang pertama dan kedua telah sempurna kita lakukan? Pertamanya Mengucap Khalimah syahadah dan keduanya Sembahyang Lima Waktu. Zaman nabi dulu, sahabat2 nabi semua rindu akan bulan ini, berdoa kepada Allah SWT agar percepatkan Ramadhan utk menghampiri, dan kalau boleh nak setahun2 itu adalah Ramadhan. Betapa besarnya Ramadhan bagi mereka. Bulan ini terlalu suci, sehingga kita diwajibkan untuk berpuasa. Jadi untuk melaksanakan rukun yg ketiga dgn sempurna, adakah sempurna rukun yg pertama & kedua kta? Telah kita selami maksud khalimah syahadah itu dan telah kita lakukan sembahyang lima waktu dengan sempurna?

Semua orang tahu kita wajib berpuasa. Anak2 kecik pun dah dididik dr kecik utk berpuasa. Penceramah ada bercerita banyak pasal ni, iaitu mendidik ank2 cara yg betul. Dorongan dengan memberi duit, memberi hadiah & lain2 kalau dpt puasa adlh dorongan yg bagus tp hati2 atas galakan yg diberikan. Pastikan mereka tahu mereka buat semua ini atas nama Allah SWT, dan bukan kerana nak kumpul duit dan sbgainya. After all, semua yang kita lakukan, lakukanlah dengan niat untuk Allah SWT. I wont further much abt this didikan yg dia ajar cuz banyak sgt & I cant remember it. But that exactly is her point.

Bulan Ramadhan as we all know, kita bukan je puasa perut tp puasa mata, telinga, hidung, mulut dan segala deria lah. Bukan maksudnya tak boleh langsung, tapi menjaganya dari benda yg tak berfaedah/tak baik. Ramai nanti kita tgk yg akn mula bertudung, a good dorongan utk menjaga permakanan, berhenti merokok, tak mengumpat & sbgainya. Siapa yang jaga semua ni, good job! Tp malangnya ada jugak yg akn mengkritik org lain, contohnya kepada yg acah2 bertudung di bulan Ramadhan je, tp lps tu hilang tudung. Bagi mereka yg akn mendengar cemuhan ni, biarkan jelah. I'd say, good job too for those yg menjaga aurat mereka, tak kisahlah berapa lama mereka nak pakai. Atleast, diorang try, right? Atleast diorg menghormati bulan ini. Dr. juga menegur prkara ni. Jgn jadikan bln puasa satu persinggahan sementara. Jgn jdkan berpuasa sebab utk berhenti rokok. Jgn jdikan puasa sebab utk berdiet. Jgn time puasa bersedekah macam hujan, tapi lepas Ramadhan terus kemarau (this is her exact word, and people laughed so hard ;). Tapi sebetulnya, jadikan semua yg aku sebut tadi sebagai dorongan shja, sbgai semangat, dan yg lainnya semua kerana Allah SWT.

Aku ni manusia biasa, hidup penuh dengan dosa. Jadi harapan aku Ramadhan kali ini Ramadhan yang terbaik, yang dapat memberi aku manfaat dalam hidup. Aku cuba untuk kurangkan rasa marah, emosi dan lain2 yang tak bagus dan cuba kawalkan. Aku akan cuba untuk buat amalan yang bagus bulan depan nnt, daripada duduk kt rumah menghadap laptop tgk movie. Aku akan cuba untuk tingkatkan amalan aku dengan Allah dan semoga Dia terima amalan aku, insyaAllah. Dan semua ini peringatan untuk diri sendiri jugak. Apa yang aku bgtau kt atas tak semua yang Dr. Robiah tu cakap, dia pun cakap 2 jam, kat sini xsmpai stgh jam aku karang. So, apa yang kurang semuanya kat umat Dia ni, dan semua yang baik datangnya dr Allah SWT.


P/S: Dr. pesan bagi yg liat nak bersahur...sahur adalah sunah Rasulullah, begitu juga makan kurma dan minum susu. Maka makanlah kamu kurma, minumlah susu, dan bersahurlah kamu tanda kamu mencintai Rasulullah SAW. =)

Friday, July 22, 2011

See below

Cause you just can't shut up. It's all about you, isn't it?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Dear Heart & Brain,

I'm having dilemma.

I'm being indecisive of between worth it or not.

My heads and heart are telling me different things.

Here's the problem.

My friends have been planning to go KL next week, for months, and have bought the ticket. I told them I wish I could come & they invited. You see, I'm in Kuching, and having to travel to KL takes a lot of money. Everyday passes by, the price hiked up. Weeks ago I told myself not to go. Well, because it will need a lot of money. Not just the plane, the fuel (I have a car waiting), the lepaks, the foods, eventhough it'll be a 5 days trip. And just when I make up my mind, my friends, both from semenanjung & sarawak begged me to go. It's a win-win situation for them. And suddenly I heard the clearance of our campus needed to be done by the end of this month, which exactly the time the holiday was planned. That fact didn't bother me that much, but that fact, you see, is strong enough to convince my mom to pay for this trip. Haha. Perfect timing right? Righhhttt...

Then she told me a few things which makes me think twice abt this trip, worth it or not? She said that I shouldn't bother my aunt at S.A, where my car is located. Usually we asked for her help to pick us up from airport & her house has become my 2nd home there. I mean, I really don't want to bother her, she has her own life. That means I have to find my own way to get my car if I want to travel around with it, within those 5 days. Which meanssss train & buses are the choice. And when I go back, I would need someone's help again to bring my car back to S.A and send me to airport. That's a lot of hassle right?

When I'm indecisive, I always list out the pros & cons. The only few pros I can come out with are, (1) I could settle the clearance; & (2) I could hangout with my friends, give my friends from srwk a sight-seeing tour or wtvr. The cons? (1) Money, money, money. (2) Bothers a lot of people. Yes, both are equal, 2-2.

I hate being in this situation. Because the cons, are winning in my head. Yes, brain, I'm talking to you and your logics. T____T

Help me.


Mushroom head

I cut my hair petang td. Igt nak buat pixie cut, yg pendek gila mcm Emma Watson or Halle Berry tu. Haha.. Tapi tak jadi, I dunno what happened. :p So last2 if nak tau camana rupa dia, mcm gmbr diatas. Mcm Katherine McPhee ni haaa.... Tapi xdo lah muka cantik mcm dia kan. And takdelah blond mcm dia. Tp mcm ni lah ha. Hahaha.. I love this new change. Ringan & tak boring. I can't really put my picture, I'd rather not. Cuz pemakai tudung kan. hahaha.. That's why Katherine jd mangsa.haha.. Xpe, dia lagi comel than me. But right now, my head look like a mushroom cuz I'm chillin n dont care how I look. hahaha

Sunday, July 10, 2011

B. 2.0 the opinion

As we all Malaysian know what has happened on the 9th July 2011 in Kuala Lumpur, one of a...well I can't really say it's a tragedy or an event or whatever but it's the rally of bersih 2.0 and I'm pretty sure a lot of us take sides, be neutral, and have our own opinion in this.

For me, I'm neutral. I see from all sides, I heard the stories from media, from people who joined, from people around me, but I didn't get the chance to get at least one opinion from the police or political sides, though. From what I have seen, read, and observe, let me tell you this. Do not believe the media 100%. Being a media person myself, I have to say it no matter what. Some side of the story may be true but NOT all. Here are pictures I print screen from the movie V For Vendetta. Go watch it if you have time, it has a lot of similarity of what's happening in our world today.

"This is the scene where there are 2 media people talking abt the new news came out. The girl asked him, would people be buying the stories? This is his answer:"

"Our job is to report the news, not fabricate it. That's the government's job."

I won't elaborate more on those pictures because I know you understand it. After all the media in our country is not truly free; there are no freedom of speech. Well let's get back to the topic, cuz if I started talking about media and its freedom, one post of blog is not enough. haha..

A lot of us here just sit and home, watch television and curse those people who we think is responsible for all these shenanigans. A few of us are in the Bersih's side, and a few of us are in the government's sides. For me, I have my own opinion as I watch from afar. Forgive me if I'm wrong but I'm not giving advice or preaches, this is just an opinion.

The bersih's real aim has a lot to do with freedom and clean form of politics, voting system, and media. There are pros and cons here for me. I mean it's hard, almost impossible to reach. Some people said that it's stupid to do this rally, as it waste energy, force, money, time, and mostly affect the country's economy. Yes, that is the case we can see as a lot of people that is not involved affected, and mad as hell. The people who work around there have trouble getting in and it affects most shops that it can't do anything but shut down. Some people said why not use other means, other ways to make yourself heard? Or just talk it out, have a meeting. When we think about it, can it really be done? Think about it. A few people and a few signed petition won't get you heard in this country. I guess this is one way to be heard. Suara rakyat bergabung after all that makes the government scared, and finally listened. Well, why not make it in one place, and settled it there, no need to close down the road? From what I read, our PM has approved of making Stadium Merdeka as the place for the rally, but somehow the police did not. I don't know how this government work, seriously. They said it's an illegal rally, haram. Why haram? As far as I know, in a democratic country, we are allowed to do demonstration, unless it is violence. From what I see and been told from the people involved, they are just walking around, chanting, supposedly peaceful rally. I don't know, judge the story yourself. Perhaps the quote "Berani kerana benar, takut kerana salah" is quite appropriate for this situation.

It has ended, and I guess the memorandum didn't get into our King's hand. A lot of struggle, complication, and consequences come from this, but I think at least they have made their voices heard and I see there are a lot more unity of 1Malaysia from this than the gathering of 1Malaysia campaign. I see a lot of us arguing just because of this, curse here and there. I don't really blame them, I would do that too. After all we can't really expect quietness in our country, there must be some drama right? Haha, k I'm kidding. Don't get me wrong, I'm not in any sides, even politics are the last thing on earth I want to be involve to. Just one thing though, when we want to judge what really happen, we should really look into it real deep. =)

Saturday, July 2, 2011



Arini kan arini, ex-skolah menengah aku buat event food & fun fair tau. SMK St Teresa Food & Fun Fair namanya. My sister still skolah sana, and kelas dia bukak gerai so datang igt nak support2 la knonnya kan. Padahal paw duit mak. hahaha.. Lepas tu kan lepas tu I noticed a few things while I jalan-jalan kat skolah lama tu, reminsce memory lah konon. Antara benda-benda yang aku prasan kan.....

1. Pengunjung lebih banyaknya lelaki. Itu skolah perempuan. Depan skolah tu ada skolah lelaki jugak. Soooo I can bet la 99% lelaki yg datang tu semuanya dari skolah seberang. Haha typical.

2. Aku ni antara orang-orang tertinggi (dr segi height,bukan anarchy.haha) di sekolah pada zaman-zaman aku dulu. And I still am. Muahahaha... eh opps kecuali adik aku sorang. -.-

3. The school haven't changed a bit. Tua dah skolah tu. Mula beroperasi sejak 1888 kot.

4. Budak-budak, aweks aweks skolah aku tu still sama, typical punya budak budak. Yelah kan, setiap skolah ada dia punya 'trademark' punya orang, like if org dgr bdk ni dr skolah sekian2, org terus stereotype. Skolah aku ni org stereotype sbgai budak2 gedik, budak2 up, tapi pandai & skillful. Hantaq ja pertandingan mana2 grenti menang. HAHAHAHA. Aku up kah? Non ado. Nama dah stereotype kan. Orang jeles kot. :p Tapi tu lah, actually sesetengah mmg berperangai mcm tu pun, so aku tgk tadi pun mcm, taaaakk berubah gak.Aku harap korang semua hidup baik2 ah lps skolah ye.

5. Takdak junior hot. HAHA. Ok tak penting.

6. Ini paling best. Orang tak kenal aku sebab I've changed a lot since the past 4 years. Nak kenal malin 4 thn yg lepas? Dia bertudung alim, muka pecah, pemalu, tak ckp banyak, jalan serong2, tak pandai fesyen, jalan tgk bawah........hahaha... Sekarang you judge ah. Ramai kenalan skolah lama add balik kt fb, semua was like, "Omaigod, is that you malin?", "Yarabi Malin, makin kacak eh..." (Yeeeeerrrddeeehhh, muji dirik ko ya) HAHAHA.

7. Aku adalah pelopor nama Malin. HAHA. Tak pecaya? Meh sini cerita. Time dulu2 masa bgtau semua nama ni Malin, orang cam x caya. Macam pelik. Unik. Lagipun time tu cerita indon "Malin Kundang" tu tgh top! Makin la kena bahan kan? Tapi orang bahan skejap je. U noe why? Because I never bother. I was like bila org panggil Malin Kundang, "Hehe, good one!" Or just gelak je. I kinda like that name & org pun I guess tgk aku confident dgn nama tu, so melekat la. Years go by, Malin Akerman, a popular actress semakin menaik nama dia. Pi google sendiri, mesti familiar kan muka dia? Sebab dia banyak berlakon comedy. Sejak tu kan, ramai dah sama nama ngn aku. Ada adik kawan aku sendiri nama dia Amalina di panggil Malin. Yang buat aku ckp semua ni sebab td asyik tersalah orang bila orang panggil Malin! Malin! Padahal utk org lain. Hmmm I still remember how people use to joke this name and are quite ashamed of the name becuz of the kundang thing. hahahaha

Haaaa itu jelah aku nak cerita. ngeee~

Friday, July 1, 2011

What's on your mind?

Aku suka makan makanan masam. Buah, masakan, dan sos (nandos!) fuh semua suka!

Aku benci sos cili. I tak makan ah benda tu. Kalau orang tengok mesti ingat takut pedas kan? Tapi tak sebenarnya. Bau sos cili ja dah buat pening kepala. -___-

Aku benci peanut butter. Yuks! (kenapa semua psl makanan ni? haha)

I have a thing for bald or close-cropped man with stubble. Read: Jason Stateham

Mr Jason - Sexxxaayyyhhh - Stateham

If I have money, I would like to go to Vancouver or Toronto, Canada.

I have written 6 novels, not yet published of course. haha. Started at the age of 13.

I love listening to people's life story. Tp brotha, kalau kau asyik cakap pasal kau sorang, memang tak jalan ah. Two-way communication bhai.

If kau berhasrat nak tegur aku, jangan biarkan conversation tergantung. Takkan aku plak nak keep the conversation interesting? poodah!

When I work, I work. I rarely do complain. But when I did, there's something way too wrong with that situation.

I don't know why, kenapa orang susah nak take me seriously? You think I'm a joke is it? This happens a lot in my family especially.

I don't see the outside quality of a guy. I only look for one thing, the who can lead me in life, perhaps lead to a better future. Complicated? Think again. :)

Pukul 1am in my time adalah macam pukul 9 pm. Terlalu awal. haha

Aku menyampah dengan lelaki kuat merajuk. Hempuk mau?

Silent is my deadliest weapon.

Oh, I also menyampah dengan lelaki yang nak mengajak keluar tapi dia suruh kita belanja. Whatever happens to ask for a simple hang out/date/outing?

I always enjoy sitting in the plane for 2 hours. Because I can think. Lost in deep thought and just stare out at the clouds outside. Hate talking to strangers, though. That's why I never minded being on a flight.

Siapa tak suka ice cream McD yang Sunday yg coklat tu, angkat tangan. *angkat dua tangan* Yes, shoot me. but those chocolate makes me wanna vomit. Sorry Sunday lovers. But strawberry is still okay. Oh but but I love chocolate, dont get me wrong. Just not THAT chocolate. Tah sapa supplier. -.-

Aku kuat makan. Tapi fail untuk menaikkan berat. Baru haritu check 50 kg, harini check lagi turun 1 kg. Gila apa badan ni? Esok naik lagi kot. erkk..

Dulu hidup aku penuh dengan planning. Sekarang ni carefree gila sebab aku belajar hidup terlalu planning susah jugak. So sekarang memang kalau nak ajak keluar, last minit pun takpa. hua hua

I have a thing for Irish, dark, brood guys. Read: Eddie Cahill and Gerard Butler

Eddie Cahill - Love his eyes matches with his dark brooding eyebrows, hair. haha

Here's another one, Gerard Butler.

Some people call hip hop is quite merepek and don't suit girl's personality, but I love hip hop. I appreciate good music, good lyrics and that can relate to my life and surroundings. Don't stereotype yaw. =)

Satu kehendak yang dah menjadi keperluan: My car. My phone. My laptop.