Aku suka makan makanan masam. Buah, masakan, dan sos (nandos!) fuh semua suka!
Aku benci sos cili. I tak makan ah benda tu. Kalau orang tengok mesti ingat takut pedas kan? Tapi tak sebenarnya. Bau sos cili ja dah buat pening kepala. -___-
Aku benci peanut butter. Yuks! (kenapa semua psl makanan ni? haha)
I have a thing for bald or close-cropped man with stubble. Read: Jason Stateham

Mr Jason - Sexxxaayyyhhh - Stateham
If I have money, I would like to go to Vancouver or Toronto, Canada.
I have written 6 novels, not yet published of course. haha. Started at the age of 13.
I love listening to people's life story. Tp brotha, kalau kau asyik cakap pasal kau sorang, memang tak jalan ah. Two-way communication bhai.
If kau berhasrat nak tegur aku, jangan biarkan conversation tergantung. Takkan aku plak nak keep the conversation interesting? poodah!
When I work, I work. I rarely do complain. But when I did, there's something way too wrong with that situation.
I don't know why, kenapa orang susah nak take me seriously? You think I'm a joke is it? This happens a lot in my family especially.
I don't see the outside quality of a guy. I only look for one thing, the who can lead me in life, perhaps lead to a better future. Complicated? Think again. :)
Pukul 1am in my time adalah macam pukul 9 pm. Terlalu awal. haha
Aku menyampah dengan lelaki kuat merajuk. Hempuk mau?
Silent is my deadliest weapon.
Oh, I also menyampah dengan lelaki yang nak mengajak keluar tapi dia suruh kita belanja. Whatever happens to ask for a simple hang out/date/outing?
I always enjoy sitting in the plane for 2 hours. Because I can think. Lost in deep thought and just stare out at the clouds outside. Hate talking to strangers, though. That's why I never minded being on a flight.
Siapa tak suka ice cream McD yang Sunday yg coklat tu, angkat tangan. *angkat dua tangan* Yes, shoot me. but those chocolate makes me wanna vomit. Sorry Sunday lovers. But strawberry is still okay. Oh but but I love chocolate, dont get me wrong. Just not THAT chocolate. Tah sapa supplier. -.-
Aku kuat makan. Tapi fail untuk menaikkan berat. Baru haritu check 50 kg, harini check lagi turun 1 kg. Gila apa badan ni? Esok naik lagi kot. erkk..
Dulu hidup aku penuh dengan planning. Sekarang ni carefree gila sebab aku belajar hidup terlalu planning susah jugak. So sekarang memang kalau nak ajak keluar, last minit pun takpa. hua hua
I have a thing for Irish, dark, brood guys. Read: Eddie Cahill and Gerard Butler

Some people call hip hop is quite merepek and don't suit girl's personality, but I love hip hop. I appreciate good music, good lyrics and that can relate to my life and surroundings. Don't stereotype yaw. =)
Satu kehendak yang dah menjadi keperluan: My car. My phone. My laptop.
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