Saturday, November 20, 2010


Kenapa bila kita melalui fasa-fasa susah dlm hidup, semua movie, lagu di radio dan TV yg kta tgk dan dgr ada kena mengena dgn kita?

Contoh 1:

Hari tu aku layan "How I Met Your Mother" sbb xde keje. Bg yg tau TV series tu, mesti mcm, "Oooohhh...". Tp bg yg xtau tu, series ni is everything about kisah cinta antara 5 org kawan. Yg bestnya, geng dorg ni, consist of 1 couple suami istri which is Lily & Marshall. Satu lg couple ni, Robin & Barney, & sorg single, Ted. Tp kan, Robin ni penah bercinta dgn Ted, kira ex la, slma setahun. After their break up, they manage to be the best of friends again. Dorg 5 org ni mmg mcm family.

Tiba kt satu episode ni, psl Robin & Barney is the sweetest couple ever. Tp tiba2 masing2 berubah perangai. Marshall jd makin gemuk n not being himself, & Robin plak nmpk smkin tua, x bermaya, & irritated dgn setiap perktaan yg klua dr mulut Barney. So kwn2 dorg yg lain ni suspect something so dorg pg siasat.Rupa-rupanya dua org ni x bahagia bersama, tp are too stubborn or afraid to break up. So kwn dorg lancarkan misi nk break them apart dgn sruh dorg asyk gaduh. Last2 tu, dh abis smua cara dorg buat, dorg tgk dr jauh je (spying la), Robin n Barney ni pg tpt lain n started kissing. And dorg pun t
erkejut la. Misi dorg gagal. Maksudnya, whatever they do to them, nothing is gonna work bcuz they are in love. So dorg lupakan misi ni. The next day, dorg jumpa dgn Robin, muka fresh bermekap n ceria. Robin ckp, "I broke up with Barney." Kwn2 dorg terkejut. So Robin crita balik apa jd:

That nite (the nite kwn dorg lancarkan misi), Robin &
Barney saw the things that makes them mad n usually dorg akan gaduh sbb perkara2 kecik2 tu. Pastu dorg cam tetiba tired n ternampak diri dorg kt cermin. Yg ppuannya mcm x bermaya, yg lakinya mcm gemuk gila, to the conclusion, none of them are truly happy. Then dorg tertanya2 la kt masing2, "Why does this happen? I mean, we love each other, we have so much similarity." Then lps crk2 jwpn utk soalan tu, rupanya dorg terlalu byk similarity, smpai xde bnda yg negative utk dorg perfect kan each other. Kira cam magnet, tp dorg the opposite of magnet. HAHA..make sense ke? And the love they have together somehow berkurangan dibawak dek masa. eceh... Oh yg kwn dorg nmpk dorg ksing tu adlh goodbye kiss.haha...and Robin & Barney said that they think of this break up as not the break up between two lover, bcuz that will make it weird when they see each other again as frens, so they take it as friends who come together again (after the break as couple).

Contoh 2:

Aku tgk cerita Ugly Betty plak. Tp tgk part ujung2 je. Hampir semua character dia perlu say goodbye to their partner, to their friend, to their stuff. Part penghabisan, biasanya Betty akan berckp as narator utk bg advice/kata2 hikmah. Kali ni, betty kna bg bf dia pg ke Africa utk tlg org slma 6 bulan so means dat they hve to break up 4 awhile bcuz with no communication. Yg satu lg character ni, Ppuan ni kcewa sbb laki sorg ni menipu n amik duit yg ada n menghilangkan diri pdhl sptutnya kawin. So betty sbgai editor magazine, dia tulis artikel ni:

"There's always something about goodbyes. No matter if we did for the greater good or for someone's good, it always hurt. But no matter how many times it happens, we always have to keep moving on, start a new life, because it will always be coming back. The trick is just to find out when is it the time to let go. Because then only we can start our new beginning."

Contoh 3:

I heard this song. And I will post the lyric. It's from Hannah Montana (I know...pffffttt) but that doesn't matter cuz the lyric is perfect for my situation.

I always knew this day would come
We’d be standing one by one
With our future in our hands
So many dreams so many plans

Always knew after all these years
There’d be laughter there’d be tears
But never thought that I’d walk away
with so much join but so much pain
And it’s so hard to say goodbye

But yesterdays gone we gotta keep moving on
I’m so thankful for the moments so glad I got to know ya
The times that we had I’ll keep like a photograph
And hold you in my heart forever
I’ll always remember you


Another chapter in the book cant go back but you can look
And there we are on every page
Memories I’ll always save
Up ahead on the open doors
Who knows what were heading towards?
I wish you love I wish you luck
For you the world just opens up
But it’s so hard to say goodbye

Yesterdays gone we gotta keep moving on
I’m so thankful for the moments so glad I got to know ya
The times that we had I’ll keep like a photograph
And hold you in my heart forever
I’ll always remember you

Everyday that we had all the good all the bad
I’ll keep them here inside
All the times we shared every place everywhere
You touched my life
Yeah one day we’ll look back we’ll smile and we’ll laughl
But right now we just cry
Cause it’s so hard to say goodbye

Yesterdays gone we gotta keep moving on
I’m so thankful for the moments so glad I got to know ya
The times that we had I’ll keep like a photograph
And hold you in my heart forever
I’ll always remember you


I’ll always remember you
I’ll always remember you

Well, from above, you know now what I've been through. I'm just getting through this on my own. Don't think this is easy for me. All of this prove that I am trying to look for advice, even from TV series. haha..well then, I'll just cater my feelings myself. :)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

I had to do it

I didn't mean to hurt you.
But I did.
I didn't mean to hurt myself.
But it is at the edge of breaking.
I did all those things before this,
all those horrible things you said,
that makes me seem careless,
all to see and prove what I have disliked.
And small matter comes to worst.
I can't contain this.
So I have to burst it out.
One minute we're the lovebirds,
another just a lonely sparrow.
I don't want to lie,
nor wanted to deceive.
But I just had to do it,
to protect myself from all that I have perceived.
I may not know what I want yet out of this life,
but I can tell you I am sure something,
perhaps someone,
could bring that out for me.
I don't want to hope too much.
After all, I'm still young,
longed to feel the adventure ahead.
You could give a very deep thought on why I did this,
maybe you wouldn't understand.
I might regret this someday,
I know.
Probably qarma will get around and say hi,
but all is well when I am ready to set my own wings and fly,
to my own pathway.
So I just had to do it.
I see no other choice,

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The things that makes me happy

The smell of new clothes, new shoes, new handbags...
Its a pleasure guys never understand.

Kelegaan semasa shopping tu mmg best gila. Tapi bila dah abis shopping, duit pun habis.
Tak puas ati part tu!
Lepas tu mula la nak berpuasa / mkn megi / tak mkn langsung.
Sbb xde duit punya pasal.
Padan muka.


Tapi kan...Bile dah syook kunyah cokelat ni, tiba2 dtg benda yg xbest plak.
Sakit gigi!
Sebab aku ni ada sensitive gigi. Sensodyne pun x kuat sgt utk jaga gigi2 aku ni. haha


Bila orang tu surprisekan aku dgn something yg best!
Perkara 'terkezot' yg paling best aku akn igt ialah:
1.A huge pink teddy bear was terbaring kat bunker kreta aku from a current someone special. hik
2. Housemate aku surprise aku dgn bawak kretaku yg mula2 kotoq nak mampus da mcm belacan, jadi berkilat gila! Luar dan dalam! hehehe
3. Someone surprises me with a teddy bear dlm kotak mineral.
4.Mak aku call & tanya, "So...nak Myvi kaler apa? mak da kt Perodua ni." WAAAHH
5.Famili aku surprise aku dgn cute birthday cake masa aku balik skola. (Da mmg bday aku pon)
6.Aaaaaaa.....tak ingat dah.


Kebanyakan surprise diatas aku da boleh agak dah. Kehkehkeh...
Kcuali part mak aku surprise tu la. Itu paling terkejut beruk punya tu, rasa nk lompat2 jgk time tu. haha.. Most list2 di atas aku kantoikan org tu, atau aku da bole teka atau its too obvious. haha


Baking / Buat kuih.
Honestly, aku lebih suka buat kuih dari memasak. Sebab kuih....emm..tak tau la, mungkin sbb manis kot. haha!
Just bagi aku ingredients, I will do it!
Chocolate Brownies?
Kuih raya?
Baaagiii je.....heheh


Semua tu datang kalau ada duit untuk beli bahan2 yg agak byk (sbb baking lbeh perlu byk brg dr memasak), dgn acuan & perhiasan dia lg....and kalau ada masa.
Siapa cakap buat kuih perlu 30 minit?


Bila sesuatu jadi seperti yg diri ini nak. Aku akan senang ati. tak kisah la benda apa. Mungkin sebab barang yg aku nak, atau keadaan, atau orang itu buat itu ini...


Seperti yg kita tau, tak semua benda yg kita nak akan kita dapat, kan?
Itu lah kehidupan. Ada time kita dapat apa yg kita nak, kita bertuah sebab keadaan yg kita tak suka jadi bertukar keadaan yg kita suka.
Kita tak dapat tukarkan keadaan tu.
Dah nature.

Dan semua benda2 yg aku suka ni fall down to this one fact.
Allah yang Maha Esa
Dia sangat sempurna.
Tgklah saja benda yg aku suka tu, mesti semua ada tapi dan ada je yg x baik ttg perkara tu.
Aku pasti korg pun sama kan?
Walau benda yg buat korg happy tu sangat bermakna dan sangat besar.
Tapi ade je benda sekecik kuman yg menjadi penghalang atau ada disadvantage die.
Jadi papehal, kita wajib pergi ke Dia untuk happy.
Kita pergi ke Dia untuk berasa bahagia.
Doa lah ke arah kebaikan, semoga kita semua akan mendapat kesenangan, kebahgiaan, ketenangan yg Dia janjikan, samaada di dunia mahupun di akhirat.